“The food we eat”: Solomon offers support to two investigative journalists
Invitation for application | Support for journalists wishing to investigate issues related to food systems.
Invitation for application | Support for journalists wishing to investigate issues related to food systems.
Our team is pleased to announce the support of two journalists who wish to conduct research on issues related to food systems.
We are looking for original ideas for food-related stories in the public interest that have not yet been covered or are underreported.
The goal is to produce stories by dedicated reporters who will be in the field to meet sources, study documents, gather evidence, highlight the complexities of the issue, and with the help of our editorial team and contributors, examine every possible angle of their story.
The support scheme includes:
Journalists will have four months to carry out their research, and at the end of the period, they are expected to deliver a piece of a maximum of 3,000 words.
The deadline for submitting applications is November 5, 2022.
The application is available here.
Our food systems threaten both environmental sustainability and human health. They destroy the natural environment, lead to the exploitation of hundreds of thousands of migrant workers around the world, and are responsible for the torture of millions of animals.
The environmental costs of food production – including production, processing, and distribution – are of serious concern: a 2021 study, with data from more than 200 countries, showed that greenhouse gas emissions from food production now account for more than a third of the global total.
And while complex supply chains can offer opportunities for economic and social development, they often violate human rights (including trade unions and labor rights), harm the environment by contributing to climate change, and engage in incidents of corruption while failing to comply with sanctions and legislation.
But, what do we in Greece know about the food we eat? Which companies produce it? Who works for these companies and under what conditions?
How policies and practices – at the national, regional, or local level – related to food that harms the environment and climate are subsidised and promoted?
How are agricultural practices changing as a result of climate change? Are there crops that farmers can no longer produce? Is there a water problem and how are farmers dealing with it?
Our team believes it is important to look for the unknown stories behind our food and invites other journalists to join us in working together towards this goal.
Be specific. We are looking for stories, not themes. Try not to describe your research proposal by saying e.g. “I am interested in researching the issue of livestock farming” but instead “I am interested in researching how the intensification of livestock farming is linked to environmental problems such as water quality degradation”.
We’re looking for connections. Show us how food is connected to other issues. How it is influenced by and affects politics, big corporate lobbies, environmental pollution, our health, European regulations and government legislation, immigration, and human rights abuses. What is the perspective you want to explore?
What do you already know about the story you’re proposing? In your proposal, we expect to read about what you already know about the topic you want to research. What evidence do you have available and what do you want to show? Say “I want to know what is going on with X and my research so far shows that this is the answer and this is why.”
Tell us why it’s important. Think about why the story you propose is important to the public and the public interest and share your reasons with us. If it’s a topic that has already been covered, what new information does it bring?
This support scheme for journalists for research on food systems receives funding from the European Union through the Christliche Initiative Romero e.V. (CIR), in the context of Solomon’s participation in the international campaign “Our food. Our future”.
Solomon has a strict policy on editorial independence, and we are grateful to our funders, partners, and readers for allowing us to remain so.
For more information and questions about the application process contact our team at info@wearesolomon.com. The application is available here.
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Solomon and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
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