Our journalism hits new record
With more than 12.000 pageviews in a single weekend, and hundreds of shares on Facebook and Twitter, our reporting on the “Millions in funding at stake for refugee housing” became the most read article at Solomon.
With more than 12.000 pageviews in a single weekend, and hundreds of shares on Facebook and Twitter, our reporting on the “Millions in funding at stake for refugee housing” became the most read article at Solomon.
We spent the last 3 months investigating Hopeland, the mysterious NGO that appeared only in August 2020, but, managed to claim more than 1 million euros by the end of the year from the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, and is expected to receive more than 5 million euros in 2021.
With more than 12.000 pageviews in a single weekend, and hundreds of shares on Facebook and Twitter, our reporting on the “Millions in funding at stake for refugee housing” became the most read article at Solomon.
Our investigation has been shared widely both in Greece and abroad and, as a result, 38 MPs of the leading opposition Greek Party of Syriza brought the issue to the Greek Parliament, citing our findings. Until now, no answer has been given by the Ministry of Migration and Asylum.
At Solomon we have seen that sometimes the most interesting facts come to the surface after the publication of a story. Hopeland was definitely one of them and, so, we’re still working on it and dedicate time to digging deeper. If you believe that our work is important, please consider supporting us.
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In addition to our report on Hopeland, this month we also published two more portraits from our latest project “Migrant workers in Greece at the time of COVID-19”, supported by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung – Office in Greece:
This week we’re hosting the closing online seminar of Solomon media lab. Neil Arun, an editor of investigations and longform features for Balkan Insight, will discuss with the colleague Stavros Malichudis and the group of our students, about the making of the Teenage Refugee’s Post-Pandemic Survival Guide.
For the next three months, the twelve participants will be assigned to a project and they’re going to bring it to life with the support and mentoring of our team. So, stay tuned!
This is not the only material we produced during the past month. As started in December 2020, we continue sharing with our community of members our ‘Notes from the field’ where our editors describe the behind-the-scenes facts. You can get a glimpse here.
Last but not least, last Thursday we met with mr. Gkionakis, an experienced psychologist and Head of Babel Day Center, a facility providing mental health services to refugees in Greece, for an online discussion about “Grief and mourning among refugees”.
This was the first in a monthly series of online Q&A sessions, provided to our Advanced and Pro members.
As a closing, we’d like to introduce you to our rebranded Solomon studio. At Solomon studio, we partner with other organizations and offer our expertise in storytelling and our superpowers in content production. From written forms to visual and audio storytelling, we’re here to help them build awareness and support their cause.
That’s all for now. Stay tuned for more #ResponsibleJournalism and we’d be happy to see you joining our community of members who support our work.
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