11 / 09 / 2019

The concentration of Airbnb rentals in the neighborhoods of Athens

More than 11,000 apartments in the municipality of Athens are rented on Airbnb, with an average of 65€ per day.



Data Visualization:


More than 11,000 apartments in the municipality of Athens are rented on Airbnb, with an average of 65€ per day. The neighborhoods with the largest concentration of Airbnb rentals are Plaka, Koukaki, the Museum, Neos Kosmos, Pagrati and Vathis Square. 88% of Airbnb listings available for short-term lease are for the entire apartment and 11% are shared or private rooms. The average availability for a short-term lease on an apartment is 267 days out of 365.

The three-dimensional (3D) map represents the concentration of Airbnb rentals within 100 meters of each other. Equally high concentrations are found in the Museum and Pancrati. The extracted data is from July 2019 and published by Inside Airbnb, an organization that regularly collects Airbnb open access data for major cities in the world and publishes it online for free.

To change the viewing angle of the 3D map, press Ctrl and drag the mouse in the desired direction.

Thermal map of the apartments available on the Airbnb platform in Athens. The redder the color, the greater the concentration of rentals at that particular point.

In yellow you see the apartments available for short-term lease, blue is for private rooms, and pink is for shared rooms. The size of the cycle is equivalent to the rental cost per day, with the higher cost € 7,000 and the lower € 8.

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